Serving Siskiyou County Residents
Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Picture Gallery! In this section you will find a small percentage of some projects we have done. Unfortunetly we can't get a photo of every project and we often will take a couple pictures in the beginning middle or end and forget or run out of time to get a complete set. For this you will have to forgive us. Please enjoy! If you have questions about anything on here feel free to reach out our contact info should be easy to find!

Our customer asked if we could handle this elm for him. The one overhanging your shop and your neighbor's fence? Of coarse we'll take on that challenge. Made easy work of them but in the process the weather flip on us!

This was a fun elm tree to remove. Nearly the entire tree was over the top of the neighbors car port and fence. We got to use a ton of different techniques and rigging systems to get it all on the ground safely.

Here you see the climber doing some rope monkey moves swinging from tree to tree on this multi-spare maple removal over a customers home.

This is a lot of photos of just one tree but this project involve removing 5 trees and limbing up 2 trees to allow for a better view and increase the usable yard space. The second picture is actually the before picture

These home owners were concerned with their current fuel loading issue, and for good reason! If the area around your home looks anything like this please do something about it before its to late. I fear for your home and your life.
This is a before and after our of our first phases of the project and as you can see it has a bit of WOW factor to it.

What do you do when you're wanting to fall a tree but are just a bit shy on the room on your property? Call your friendly neighborhood tree climber of coarse. We made quick work of this white fir.

This is what it looks like from a climber's perspective while sitting in a Douglas Fir over high voltage power lines. Not too scary till you consider that a wrong cut could mean death by electrocution. That's aside from of the other tree climber risks such as attaching 3in blades to the inside of your feet and trying not to poke yourself, running chains saws next to the ropes suspending your life, and also next to your face... Just another day at the office.
Try to remember these risks before you hire Joe Shmoe with no insurance onto your property.

First photo was of a quick little oak removal next to a customers home. This was a fun one. No clean up for us and we just needed to remove the limbs so the customer could fall the rest later. Tree suffered from SOD (Sudden Oak Death) amd required urgent removal.
Second photo is another quick oak removal this one made us sad though. Tree was healthy and beautiful but customer was tired of the mess, so she had to go.

At Rope Runners we don't enjoying killing trees (well most of the time) but there is something satisfying about falling big dead pines that could fall on peoples homes in the middle of a snow storm

The first picture is taken from the top portion of a large Digger Pine or now referred to as Grey Pine removal. It had many tops like most grey pines. The pine was growing out of a cliff side with access only from the lower portion. He went as high as a 75ft bucket truck could go and that got him to about 8ft up from the bottom of the tree from there he climbed up to the tops to begin working. The climber claims it was probably the most fun he has had doing a removal because how far down everything he cut had to fall. There are several people in the photo that can be spotted for reference. 2 standing near the rear of the pick-up on the dirt access road and several on the side walk near the linemen's work trucks.
The picture on the right was taken during the removal of another pine tree. This one was fairly tall and skinny has a large bend in it below the climbers feet. Makes me a little dizzy looking at it.

The first photo is a removal done within a small commercial complex the photographer got a good shot of a firewood chunk falling after being cut.
The second photo is of a tree in a very compromised position. It may not look like it but this was a extremely dangerous removal. There are actually high voltage power lines surrounding 2/3's of the tree. Directly over the photographers head and going around the back of the "stob"(or left over tree with no branches). This was a very high risk removal where most of the tree needed to be lowered to the ground using ropes also known as being rigged down. What the picture doesn't show is 2 building about 15ft to the left of the stob. For those of you wondering yes high voltage electricity will travel through a rope.

Here you see a Sycamore removal. I think the customer regretted opting out of our clean up service.
Funny story behind this one, the customer has lived in this location for over 25years! We had a go ahead to start the project whether he was home or not. Well we called ahead no answer, knocked on the door no answer. So we went to town on his tree. I seen his truck coming and quickly yelled to the ground crew to hide in the pile of debris. The customer drove right by his own house! He made it about 3 houses past before realizing he needed to turn around.
If you look close you will see a little light post in that mountain of brush. It was fun swinging all our rigging to miss it. Added a welcomed challenge to our day!

This is a bug kill white fir removal. Its hard to tell from the pictures but this tree is completely dead. Both pictures have a climber in them.
Not very often do we get the room to take really big unrigged pieces but this was one of those jobs. Just one little shed sitting where the picture was taken from. Makes it fun
Complete removal occurred but we didn't take a finished picture. Sorry folks

Big white fir with little space available to put it in as you can see on the bottom left of both pictures is the home and the little dog house structure in the photo on the left is actually a well house. There's a shed on the other side too that was not captured by the photo.
Good exercise of precision cutting techniques from aloft.

Here we have a large spanning Black Oak that is causing a bit of havoc for our customer. She reached out to the right company for the job. You can see here a few photos of the progress as we took it apart piece by piece, rigging down every section using ropes and pulleys. Carefully threading the limbs through cable, phone and service power wires on either side.

Here we have a Jeffery Pine with a large co-dominant leaning towards a home. This is a prime example of what you don't want next to your home. Now that it has been removed and the stump ground the home has some wonderful curb appeal and much less yard maintenance. We took out the pine behind the one in center frame as well. The lawn was seeded over where the stumps were and has now grown in. Turned out awesome!

Those of you who live in Shastina or frequent the area may recognize this project. We nicknamed this one "Slingshot". I unfortunately did not take any true before and afters on this one. You can see the large broken limbs hanging out directly over the buildings where this wonderful family lives. This one we utilized a type of zip line to get these large limbs out and away from the home and closer to the chipper. Working hard to save homes... Its kinda what we do here at Rope Runners Tree Service!

This customer had quite the little stand right off their back porch and although they wanted some trees here, you can see what they had before we started felt really cluttered for both them and the trees. Notice when you look at the tops of the trees the canopies are not symmetrical? This is due to sunlight not being able to reach all the way around the trees canopy. Without sunlight the limbs die and then we see results like this. Dead limbs are a fuel hazard and trees that have limbs on 1 side as opposed to all the way around are more prone to break when wind and/or snow load them. Additionally trees this close together share resources and when resources become scarce (perhaps due to a drought) all the trees can begin to degrade and lose their ability to fight off diseases and pests until resources become abundant again. Diseases spread as due pests and can comprise thousands of acres of trees in areas where it goes unchecked. We at Rope Runners love trees and forests, we strive to improve our customers stands and overall tree health and sometimes that means removing a few so that the many can flourish. This customer did the right thing to protect all of our communities stands. Are you doing your part? If you are not sure call us we are happy to help and refuse to be "pushy" with our customers

Here you get a glimpse of a climbers view at approximately 90 feet up. We removed this Ponderosa Pine that was a bit to close to our customers deck and she simply had enough of it. Following the trees trunk all the way down (see the curve?) gives you a bit more perspective. The ground helper in one of the photos is over 6feet tall can you see him? (He's wearing Hi-viz orange)
Some would consider this a tight space but we actually had a nice drop zone for our limbs and top in comparison to other jobs despite the beautiful deck.

Some projects make you reach deep in your bag of tricks to get them done. Luckily we have a real big bag here at Rope Runners. Customer had a climber (not us) start the project but after getting a few limbs off here and there decided to step away from it. This left us with much less options for rigging points that could have got the limbs and logs lowered by ropes and pulleys down in a larger area of the yard but not being the types to leave a customer without option, we picked up where the previous climber left off and got it down safely. The biggest one was in the tightest spot, but we don't shy away from a challenge.
You can see the picture with the large crack at the union? This was approximately 30 feet up and threatened the neighboring home. Problem SOLVED!
The boards on the windows were there before we arrived apparently the building was vacant for along time and our customer was getting ready for a complete remodel of the place.

Here we have yet another big Ponderosa Pine this one is half dead due to a beetle attack. Big tree's into small pieces is our specialty though. Zip lines and pulleys helped get this one to the ground.

If you have lived in Mount Shasta for a extended period of time you likely know this very dead Black Oak that has been hanging around on this corner for a long time. It's day of reckoning had come.

Couple of big Incense Cedars were causing all kinds of problems at this customers home. We had to bring out the whole crew to this one! The cedars had been improperly cabled many years ago. We later concluded it was likely placed by a logger with a ladder based on the type of hardware and the height it was placed. It may have done a bit of good when it was installed but it was causing more harm than good by the time we got to it and was a bit of a pain in the neck to get off of there.
This was a fun project for some great people, regardless of its challenges!

Here are some photos from different projects that didn't quite make the cut to have their own slide for what ever reason but certainly have enough value in some way to be included on here. We hope you enjoy them.